Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Why I Love Long Flights

So many people seem to hate flying, especially on long flights. I’ve seen a lot of articles lately on how to “survive” a long plane ride. And... I feel you. I can see why people would think that way.But I’m over here, like “10 hour flight?? Oh heck yes! Two hour layover?? Don’t mind if I do!”Now granted, usually I’m screaming these things when I travel without the kids, because well... 10 hour flights and layover upon layover with children involved is a game changer indeed. I’ve had some hellish experiences, but that’s for another post!But when traveling by myself or with my husband... I like flying. I enjoy it. It’s part of the experience. Yes, even if there are delays! Come on, I know I can’t be the only one.So, without further ado:
Why I Love Long Flights
I like to think of it as “the calm before the storm.” If you’re expecting a busy vacation (which I usually am... My motto is “I can rest when I get home!”), I like to use the plane ride as a place to relax and de-stress. I mean, what else can you do? You’re confined to a seat for the next however many hours, and *usually* planes are a quiet place. Except for the random baby crying or if you get seated next to an incessant talker.
For me, the moment I step foot into an airport, my vacation starts. Some people think of the plane ride as just a means to get to their destination where the fun can finally begin... not me. Remember how we talked about being confined to that one seat for hours?? That is me time! I’m gonna break out a good book, watch a movie or two on those fancy little gadgets they hand out, have a cocktail, eat some snacks that I packed, do some journaling about the trip, it’s a party up in here!!!
Maybe I’ll even break out the guide book and do some last minute trip plans. Who am I kidding, I’ve had this done months in advance, but I take the time to visualize the trip and how I want it to go. Revel in the anticipation. For me, this might be the most exciting part of the trip. Because anything can happen. You are about to embark on an adventure in a new place and nothing has tainted that vision yet.
I just plain love flying. If I can, I book a window seat so that I can spend some time looking out at the scenery. Seeing the city that we leave behind get smaller and smaller, maybe catch a sunset, marvel at being the same height as the clouds, see the lights of a new city come to be...and just enjoy being up in the air. The vacation I had been dreaming about has finally started.
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I even like layovers, especially if it’s in a new airport or city that I’ve never been to. Another to check off the list. Each airport, while much the same, can also be uniquely different. Maybe they have a local food to try, cheesy souvenirs to look at, interesting hidden little places. Did you know that some airports have yoga rooms?? And most airports have chapels (which, if you’re stuck there overnight or for a long long layover and need some peace and quiet, is an excellent place to hide out). Plus, just people watching at an airport is wonderful. I love watching everyone go by- wondering where they’re off to or if this is home for them. I like the busy energy of airports, the overhead announcements, walking by each gate and seeing where that particular plane is going.
I’m just in love with the excitement of it all. With every plane you step into, you know that new possibilities and experiences await on the other side of that door. Once you step outside again, you are in a whole new world :)I know I’m not the only one....what are some of the reasons you enjoy flying??This article originally appeared on Live Simple, Travel Well.Follow our travels on Instagram!

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